Friday, December 16, 2011

Roemer- and Pelizaeus Museum

The Roemer- and Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim is a great museum, which arose from a private collection of Egyptian artefacts.

Outtake Day 153

Permanent and Special Egypt exhibition

They have several permanent exhibitions, including ones about Egypt, America or Asia. Every year they have several special exhibitions, which are definitely worth a visit. I can still remember the ones about dinosaurs or the ice age. You can take pictures in some parts of the museum but not everywhere. You can take a guided tour through the museum or there are audio guides as well but I'm not sure if they have them in different languages. When you like museums or when you are facing a rainy day and want to do something, this is a good place to go.

If you want to read more, you can have a look here:
Roemer-Pelizaeus Museum (English and German)

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