How to...

If you would like to know what kind of info you need to send me for your special spot then this is the perfect place for you to be.

For blogpost:

  • Name of the place
  • What is it and where? (Museum, City, Viewpoint etc.)
  • Your text
  • Link to a picture/pictures you want included
  • Links to Wikipedia or official pages
  • Special tags?
  • Which nickname shall I use, so people know it's from you? (If you have a Google account and want to post more than one place, I can add you as a writer)
For map:

  • Address or coordinates (Latitude/Longitude)
  • Which picture should be included?
  • To what page should I link your nickname? (Best would be the page where the picture is hosted)
You can send this info to my mail address ( but please put "Place" or something similar into the subject, which makes it easier to find your mail should it end up in my spam folder. Thank you.